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History of German Literature by Scherer, Wilhelm, Müller, F... ISBN: 9781178114591 List Price: $36.75
Philosophie de L'Esprit V2 by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F., Ve... ISBN: 9781167985126 List Price: $48.76
Erster Bericht des Stadtischen Kaiser Wilhelm-Museums in Krefeld by Deneken, F. ISBN: 9781168028808 List Price: $14.36
Elementary Textbook of Zoology V1 : General Part and Special Part, Protozoa to Insecta (1884) by Claus, Carl Friedrich Wilhe... ISBN: 9781168274618 List Price: $47.96
Elementary Textbook of Zoology V1 : General Part and Special Part, Protozoa to Insecta (1884) by Claus, Carl Friedrich Wilhe... ISBN: 9781168155894 List Price: $35.96
Problems of the Secondary Teacher by Jerusalem, Wilhelm, Sanders... ISBN: 9781176467477 List Price: $27.75
Compendium of Human and Comparative Pathological Anatomy by Otto, Adolph Wilhelm, South... ISBN: 9781164803874 List Price: $42.36
Wilhelm Busch Als Dichter, Kunstler, Psychologe und Philosoph by Winther, F., Schevill, Rudolph ISBN: 9781164931546 List Price: $27.16
Wilhelm Busch Als Dichter, Kunstler, Psychologe und Philosoph by Winther, F., Schevill, Rudolph ISBN: 9781165043750 List Price: $39.16
Wilhelm Von Humboldt's Briefe an F G Welcker by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von, Humb... ISBN: 9781165336593 List Price: $17.56
Wisdom and Religion of a German Philosopher : Being Selections from the Writings of G. W. F.... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedr... ISBN: 9781165664795 List Price: $16.76
Wisdom and Religion of a German Philosopher : Being Selections from the Writings of G. W. F.... by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedr... ISBN: 9781165707881 List Price: $28.76
History of German Literature : From the Accession of Frederick the Great to the Death of Goe... by Scherer, Wilhelm, Conybeare... ISBN: 9781165928019 List Price: $25.56
Recueil de Documents Relatifs, � L'Histoire des Monnaies Frapp�es by Louis F�licien Joseph Caign... ISBN: 9781276229975 List Price: $40.75
System der Volkswirtschaft National�konomik des Handels und Gewerbfleisses by Wilhelm Georg F. Roscher ISBN: 9781276334716 List Price: $59.75
Die Weissagungen des Propheten Ezechiel : F�r Solche, Die in der Schrift Forschen, Volume 2... by Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm ISBN: 9781276394321 List Price: $34.75
Archiv F�r Naturgeschichte by Arend Friedrich August Wieg... ISBN: 9781276468947 List Price: $33.75
System der Volkswirthschaft : Ein Hand- und Lesebuch F�r Gesch�ftsm�nner und Studierende, Vo... by Roscher, Wilhelm, Robert vo... ISBN: 9781276491181 List Price: $45.75
Liussan, F�rst Von Garisene Prolog in 1 Aufz Mit Ch�ren by Iffland, August Wilhelm ISBN: 9781276572187 List Price: $15.75
Taschenbuch der Chirurgie F�r Angehende Practische �rzte und Wund�rzte by Johann Erdwin Christoph Ebe... ISBN: 9781276621304 List Price: $60.75
Taschenbuch F�r Angehende Aerzte by Lindemann, Hermann Wilhelm ISBN: 9781276625197 List Price: $22.75
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